Millennium Dual Surgery Timer & Bracket
Our Dual timer allows you can keep tract of both individual surgeries and multiple surgeries times all in one timer. For individual surgeries it allows doctors to keep tract a time for each surgery for billing or any other purpose. This timer is also perfect for keeping track of multiple surgeries so you know when it's time to change your Bara Lime/Soda Lime.
Design Features:
* Our design allows complete access and view for both digital screen & all timer buttons.
* Timer can be removed easily (Without scratching) & quickly (2-3 seconds) from Timer Bracket.
* Precision design means timer is held snug to bracket which means no rattle or any noise when moving machine.
* Timer Bracket- made up of 2 heavy duty stainless steel parts. Built to last a lifetime.
* 2 heavy duty brackets (Stainless steel). Made to last a lifetime.
* Dual Timer
* Shim
* Fittings